Well....these are what I have... :)
The list is dynamic and when newer and better apps arrive some of these get replaced by me. But I will come back and update this list once a while so don't forget to check back later. Do leave if a comment if you have any interesting or useful app I have not listed down here.
Let me also warn you - I have gazillions of apps. I am a app junkie/evangelist and so many of my apps may not interest you. Also having so many apps does not mean that I use them day to day. They stay in my repository either for evaluation or because I am undecided whether to keep them or not. It is up to you to decide and discern if you need it or not. A one liner about each is provided for convenience but I am not mentioning the price so that you can go and have a look and decide if it worth purchase or not. Most are free so you don't have to worry :). I am also categorizing apps based on how I have arranged them in folders. It may not be the app store category but how I have done categorizing based on my use. I hope it helps